Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Froggy's long, rambling review of Glam Nation in Toledo on June 8th, 2010. :)

I never imagined that seeing a concert could change ones life. I had heard so many people say before my experience that seeing Adam Lambert live changes you inside forever, but I now know you have to be there and feel it for yourself to truly grasp what that means. Standing outside for over 7 hours, much of it in the rain, ended up actually being quite a fun experience. I met so many nice people, and we had tons of fun watching the buses and the band come off of them. We stood there for about an hour and half waiting to see Adam come off of his bus. It was being blocked for the most part by the band's bus in front of it, but we were off to the side and could see to the back where his was. All we really wanted was once glimpse. Just when we thought we wouldn't be seeing him, out of the corner of my eye I see a tall man in a baseball cap and black Ugg boots ninja into the venue. It was so fast that hardly anyone saw it. @Manon74 and I looked at one another. Was that him? It was hard to tell. But the boots. He was tall and thin. I didn't even have time to get a glimpse at his face. We were pretty sure it was him, and now looking back on it....i'm positive it was him. Adam is a ninja. Cam is also a ninja. As we stood there at the barricades, this thin figure slinked quickly under the caution tape with a jacket over their head to protect from the rain. It was right next to us and took us off guard. Someone over on the side yelled "Cam!!" and as we watched he climb on to the bus I yelled something like "Cam ICU!" xD She lifted the jacket, looked over at us, and smiled. This band is full of ninjas I tell ya. Neil also thinks he is a ninja but he’s not a good one. We saw him get off the first bus and try to slink away, but we were all like “NEIL WE SEE YOU!” xD and he gave us a slight little wave with his back turned. Hahaha. I met Longineu and he is extremely nice. I had @Manon74 attempt to take a picture of us with my camera, and I guess I had accidentally hit the self timer button before I handed it to her, because it just would not go off. So there we are, me and LP, just snuggling watching this green light flash on my camera waiting for it to go off. After about 30 seconds of standing there, and me giggling at how silly this all was, she decided to just take the picture with her camera. He has an extremely calm energy about him and made quite a few rounds around the barricades to make sure everyone who wanted a picture or an autograph got one. Such a sweetheart.

So after a few more hours of waiting, and anticipating, we were finally let inside. Myself, @tonzey211 and @Manon74 and I were lucky enough to snag spots in the front row, right on the end on the right side of the stage. We were ecstatic. I felt like my prayers had been answered. I was about to see Adam Mitchel Lambert 10 feet away. Right in my face. Nothing could have prepared me for what was to come. Allison was on first, and she really rocked. I loved her on Idol but I’m not to familiar with her post Idol music, with the exception of maybe a few songs, but I was very pleasantly surprised. She has an amazing stage presence, a beautiful voice, and her and her amazing band rocked it out. After Allison was done the anticipation began to grow. We saw the road crew setting up for Adam’s band, and it was like torture waiting for it to start. As soon as the lights went down and the Brad Walsh FYE remix began to play over the speakers. The crowd went wild. We sang that song at the top of our lungs. I know Adam had to have heard us. You could literally feel the energy surging through the room. It was an amazing feeling. Suddenly the band hit the stage, and then, this slender, tall figure in a fringed jacket and top hat appeared on the platform. The opening lines of Voodoo began to play, and he appeared out of the darkness. Seeing him there, hearing his voice, feeling his presence, it didn’t seem real. It felt like a dream. Arms in the air, and moving along to the music as much as I could in the sea of people. I sang every word at the top of my lungs. As Adam slinked across the stage, hitting every note perfectly, I was trying to convince myself in my head that this was really happening even though it felt unreal. The opening medley was perfection. Sexy, sensual, fun, orgasmic. Adam lightly pulled Tommy’s hair during DTRH, then put his arm around him, and sang “It starts with his bass and it ends in my crystal balls” and motioned toward his crotch…UNF. During ROF, on his knees on the platform, I knew right then that Adam was feeling incredibly sexy. His hands roamed all over his body as he hit notes that made my ears smile. Again I try to tell myself this was real, but my brain would not believe it. Fever began and oh….my….goddddd. I think my brain short circuited from sexy as I watched this one. The dancing…oh man can this boy move. After Fever came Sleepwalker…..oh wow, just wow. The notes he was hitting were mind boggling. I stood there in awe as this tall, breath takingly gorgeous man stalked the stage in a floor length trench coat, pouring his heart out onto the stage. The acoustic part of the show was up next, starting with WWFM. As he sat down, he said something like “It’s hot in here…I’m melting….gettin me all steamy in here, I like it.” He rolled his neck back and moaned ever so slightly. I was convinced at that point that he was trying to kill us all slowly with his sexiness, and it was working. Utterly and completely seduced beyond all reason, Adam began to break open our hearts with the most beautiful versions of WWFM, Soaked, and Aftermath I have ever heard. Recordings can not capture the beauty of this man’s voice. Hearing it live is like nothing else I have ever heard. Something along the lines of 10,000 angels having a collective orgasm on a rainbow made out of puppies and glitter. By the time Adam came out after the interlude to perform SFW, he was completely drenched in sweat. Soaking wet hair that he kept running his fingers through….it was sexier than just about anything you could ever imagine. Sure Fire Winners was full on energy. A celebration, an anthem. Damn he was just on fire on that stage, hitting perfect note after perfect note. Dancing care free and in a way that made you want to rip your clothes off and pounce on him right there in front of 1200 other people. Strut was next. OMGGGG talk about sexy. I can’t believe he actually put on that jacket in that heat…talk about dedication to your theme. Poor baby must have been burning up at that point, because the sweat just kept dripping off of him. He didn’t let it stop him though, and he gave that song his all. At one point the suggestively stroked his cane as he sang “don’t it feel good, don’t it feel hot.”….he is the biggest tease on the planet. After Strut came Music Again. This was so much fun….for some reason in my head this song was just a blur…a beautiful blur, but I do remember that Adam was not only dripping sweat during this one but also happiness. Next up was Broken Open. He stood on the platform again for this one, and sang it flawlessly. I was in a trance as he sang. After Broken Open was IIHY, and this was my second favorite song of the night (first of course being the encore :-D). Adam introduced the band before it began, and it was so adorable. After he introduced Tommy he leaned on him and said “bass bass bass bass” and then chuckled. It was so adorable. I feel like this song is our anthem of love. During the chorus the entire crowd was jumping up and down and singing. It was a beautiful feeling of being connected. In the middle of the song, after he introduced the dancers and crumped with Brooke (hahaha so fuckin’ sexyyyy) he turned to the crowd and said “and I love all of you, too.” For some reason, hearing him say that, and just feeling the love pouring out of him and into all of us, I will admit I got a bit choked up and a tear or two may have fallen out of my eyes. After it was all over, the lights all went down again and we began to chant “Adam, Adam, Adam!” and then “One more song”. 1200 people began to stomp their feet on the ground, begging for just one more. We shook the foundation, literally. I was expecting Mad World. He had done it for the first two shows, and I assumed he would do It here. As the band and Adam came back out, and he said something along the lines of “you might know this one” Monte began to play the opening cords to WLL acoustic. I almost fell over right there. Was this actually happening? Had the universe really heard me and then gave me what I wanted? This was unreal. For over 5 minutes Adam made love to us all with his voice. It was the most sensual, sexual, erotic thing I have EVER experienced. Towards the end of the song, he made his way over to my side of the stage. He reached his hand out at us and made a motion like he was trying to grab at us, and I swear in that moment we locked eyes. You guys know those sexy, intense stares he sometimes gives in photos? THOSE were the eyes that I locked onto. The moment probably only lasted 5 seconds, but everything stood still for me. It felt like atleast 30 seconds. My knees went weak. I couldn’t move or think. All I could do was utterly and completely allow myself to be swept away in his stare. I probably looked hilarious, with my mouth wide open, with a look of ecstasy on my face. And then, as soon as it began, it was over. I watched as Adam disappeared from the stage. Afterward @tonzey211 and @Manon74 and I just stood there, incoherently asking one another if that really just happened, looking around dazed, and trying to gain our composure. Dripping in sweat, my soul singing after having been made love to, I eventually made my way over to the merch booth were I bought 3 t-shirts, a keychain and that infamous “Adam Lambert is my BF” sticker, haha. Being that drunk on love makes you wanna spend all your money for some reason, hahaha. Walking away from the merch booth we spotted LP at the bar, and I went up to him and told him the show rocked, gave him a little hug, and let him go on his way. I spotted Monte across the room and went to say hi to him as well. Took a picture with him, lookin’ like I just got his by a hurricane of love (which technically I did). I think I made a bad joke or something, I don’t really even remember what I said, haha, all I know is I was out of my mind with happiness, love, and pure bliss. On the way home in the car, laying in the backseat as my boyfriend drove, I allowed myself to cry. They were the happiest tears I have ever cried. I felt so overwhelmed with happiness. Did that really just happen? I’m still not sure if it did.

A few little highlights of the night that I think I forgot to mention. I was close enough to see freckles. Oh those glorious freckles all over his shoulders. When he had on that vest I found it impossible to not stare at them. Like beautiful stars kissing his skin all over. Also, Adam is a thousand times more gorgeous in person that I could have imagined. I know he is unbelievably sexy in photos and in videos, but my god. If you have never seen him up close in person, prepare yourself. I have never seen anyone that gorgeous before. I found it impossible to take my eyes off of him. I honestly do not even remember seeing anything on the screen behind him, because I could not let my eyes leave him for even a moment. This is probably why I took so few photos. I just wanted to let him fill every one of my senses. He has a stage presence that is out of this world. You can FEEL his energy, literally. He makes every one feel sexy, he oozes love and happiness. Being in his presence is life changing. It truly is. This concert experience was better than any drug I have ever consumed. Every single one of you needs to go see this man in concert now. Do whatever you have to do to get there, because it will be worth it. Today I am looking at the world through a different set of eyes. I know I’m probably forgetting so many little details that I will probably end up tweeting about later…I’m still in a daze really. I thought I was in love with him before this show, but now I am in love beyond reason. This man will change the world, one hour at a time.

The Frog


MadAdamFan4Life said...

I am so happy for you and can completely whole heartedly relate! I genuinely love Adam Lambert for all that he is, NO ONE compares! I cannot wait to see him Monday in Columbus. Thanks for the great review!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for sharing your experience so thouroughly. I felt like I could almost see it all from your great descriptions! Can't wait for the real thing in KC and Wichita in July!

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