Monday, June 7, 2010

Dear Universe,

Well, I usually don't ask you for favors, but my bestest amphibian friend Froggy needs one so I guess I will. She needs to be front row at the concert on Tuesday and I need you to make this happen for her. She's a pretty amazing frog and deserves this more than any other creature I know, and I don't know a lot of creatures. Well, I know Adam, he's a glitter creature. But anyways, can you pretty pretty please with glitter on top let Froggy get front row? Please? Thank you so much I love you starry sky and earth and flowers and water and air and everything :)

Love Always,


Anonymous said...

You gals are the cause/inspiration for really bad thoughts....

put the burrito in the taco and eat them all up...

to the tune of of "put the lime in the coconut & eat them all up.

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