Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Hey, zip it down, zipper your pants for me~

Hello world, Froggy here. So, Sunshine and I have started this little ole blog because...well....we are random and we would like to share our randomness with all of you. I think the one thing Sunshine and I have in common most of all, besides our common love for that gorgeous, sparkly man named Adam, is that we are both pretty random. Sometimes I wish you all could see our private conversations on the GGC.....we can go from talking about zippers to couches in an instant. xD

I have a little secret: Sunshine is WAY pervier than she lets on.

Speaking of perviness, here's a bit of what you can expect from my blog posts:

-Zipper spam~

-Spazzing about Adam and his pants~

-Spazzing about Adam and his insanely orgasmic vocals~

-Spazzing about Adam and his eyebrows~

-Spazzing about Adam and his bottom lip~

-Couch talk~

Essentially this won't be much different than my twitter page....only more couch-like. :) I promise to explain the couch references in later posts. It is a boring, random story. :)

So, this is Froggy, signing off, until next time~

The Frog


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