Sunday, June 13, 2010

When I Say Epic I Mean,

Hai it's me Sunshine...just really wanting to post something :)

I am secretly quoting the frog word for word on why she finds Adam epic. Well maybe she knows I am quoting her... I think she does actually. Anyways, follow me into her mind poeple, but be careful...this could be dangerous.

epic (eh-pick): also see: epicness or Adam Lambert

Definition: "Ok first is the voice, that's what I fell in love with. I didn't even think Adam was sexy when I first saw him on Idol. HOW THE ACTUAL FUCK DID I NOT FIND HIM SEXY!? o.O But anyways, the was like nothing I had ever heard. I remember around the top 8 or so saying "I kinda have a crush on this Adam dude...he's mysterious...he's kinda cute." Kinda cute what a fucking understatement xD. Anyways I started finding out more about his personality and what a fucking amazing guy he is he's so humble, and sweet and down to earth he's not arrogant at all even though he's ridiculously talented and sexy and funny, and intelligent. He radiates love, every one who meets him or gets near him always says how positive he is. Gaaaaah he's just so epic, lol. He's witty and sexy and smart and funny and I know i'm repeating myself haha. He has a perfect body....PERFECT. He has such a kind soul, he's like a new age hippie....all about love and peace and kindness, and he's honest.....omg is he honest. He doesn't give a FUCK what anyone thinks of him and he's gonna do what he feels is right no matter what....and he's sweet, he is genuinely sweet to everyone he bullshit with Adam, just fierce realness and he doesnt take himself too in Fever when he dances all campy and shit and smacks himself in the head xD God I love that. It's obvious he's never going to turn into one of those stars who is just too good for everyone else....he's so fucking reeeeal.....I dont even think he realizes how epic he is, which makes him even more epic.....he's just Adam...he's just doin his thing and if you wanna come along for the ride, then hop on (UNF) and hold on tight :) Oh and he has a huge peen and yeah, thats just the cherry on top of the epic sundae that is Adam Lambert. PRINT THAT SHIT xD"


mizlexi said...

You didn't find him sexy?!? Wut? I didn't see BB til finale night and even I was *blown* away by his voice and good looks. I forgive you though, Froggie cause I didn't watch Adam til finale night and that makes me a bad Lexi. lol ;D

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