Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I love situations...and I love words :D

And i love the word "situation" :D

Yes, its Sunshine,
I love that word... especially when Adam says it. Situation goes with any word really. You could have a glitter situation, a feather situation, a couchy situation (but really the story behind that is not as good as we are making it out to be... froggy wants me to live on her mom's couch, that's about it), or a campy situation. One time, right before WLL acoustic, Adam said..."We're gonna keep with this acoustic situation" and it was the cutest thing ever :D So yeah, i like that word.

Also, I sometimes find random words hilarious...but I can't think of any funny ones right now...erm... *running away situation*



Renee said...

I have one I remember - futility!


We should re-name it fRutility!

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