Friday, June 4, 2010

Adam Mitchel Lambert is a sex genie from outer space ~

"So here at Glam Nation, we start out seducing you....did it feel good?"

Adam, It felt AMAZING.

Froggy here. :) Tonight the Glam Nation tour kicked off in Wilkes Barre, PA. Thousands of us from all over the world sat huddled around brightly lit computer screens watching a fuzzy and staticy live stream of one of the most epic concerts of all time. We were not disappointed. Seeing the youtube videos rolling in now, and the opening sequence with Voodoo/DTRH/ROF is utterly orgasmic. Sexy, sensual, erotic, tribal, spooky, mad, genius, visually stunning, vocally breath taking. Transitioning from that opening sequence into the acoustic set (which included an amazing version of Aftermath that brought me to tears watching it over the live stream, i'm sure i'm not alone in saying that either) was brilliant. Then came the third part of the show. The celebration of love. Happiness. Sexiness. Everything that Adam represents. Considering this tour was put together so quickly, and this was the opening night, I was thoroughly impressed. I can't wait to see this show live. I am going to melt into a puddle right there at his feet. If you don't hear from me afterward, you will know why.

So, in conclusion, Adam Mitchel Lambert is a sex genie from outer space. He can single handedly seduce an entire room of people and hold them in the palm of his gorgeous, freckly, leather-clad hands. He is not of this earth. He is from somewhere far more sparkly, sexy, and loving than this planet we all call home.

Oh and also, did you see his epic pants? Fuck me sideways two of the most epic pairs of pants known to man. And that hat. That fucking amazing, over the top hat! And his fringed, furry jacket......there are really no words to describe how fucking epic this man is. He makes me want to do ~things to him....rawr.

Ok, off to watch these videos 20 more times and dream of Tuesday. I will be writing a recap of the entire show here, stay tuned. :)

The Frog


Anonymous said...

LOL! cute n funny! I love your picture up there, everyone chillin' on the couch!

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